Thursday, December 29, 2011

Travel Systems List (in progress)

Chicco Cortina Keyfit 30 Travel System
Baby Trend Expedition LX Jogging Stroller System
BOB Revolutions SE w/ Keyfit 30 Carseat
Britax B-Ready w/ Chicco Keyfit 30 Carseat

Blood Tests

I had my 3 hour glucose tolerance test today. Fast for 8-12 hours, first draw is a baseline. Then drink a bottle of super sweet juice...or I should say...sugar water then wait one hour for first initial draw of the GTT. One hour after initial draw is second draw, wait another hour. Last draw was at 11:47a and I have not eaten since 5p yesterday! It is not a fun feeling. I was hungry, thirsty and light headed. Thank goodness my bubby kept me company.

After the horrible ordeal at the lab my bubby took me to eat at a Chinese restaurant. It was okay food. Not the greatest but it was food. LOL!

We went straight home afterwards because I was so worn out. I ended up taking a nap from like 1 to 4pm. I woke up bloated, eck! I think the cause was the Chinese food and lack of water intake. So I have been drinking water, had my protein shake and still drinking water. Need to flush out all the salt and MSG. No more bad food after that. Time to get down to business especially since it is the last trimester!! Woot!

I am a little worried and stressed because I am scared that I may have preeclampsia, obstetric cholestasis and gestational diabetes -- all bad which could lead to early delivery. I know I should not stress until the blood results are in. But I swear Google is the devil because it gives you the power to research and the results are horrific! I still have to do a 24 hour urine collection, which I will start Sunday evening, and turn it in Tuesday morning. The 24 hour urine collection is to determine if I have protein in my urine. If I have protein in my urine then I have preeclampsia. GAAAAHHH!

I just pray that JJ comes out healthy. I want the best for my baby. I cannot help but blame myself for being so unhealthy. Even after losing 70 lbs it still was not enough.

Bubby says to have faith. Everything is in Gods hands. I know this and I have faith, but a little part of me is not in a good place with myself. I need to stop thinking about all of this. If I stress, JJ stresses and we cannot have that.


Friday, December 23, 2011

24 Weeks <3

My goodness time sure does fly. I am 24 weeks pregnant today! My baby boy is growing! Per the pregnancy bible - What to Expect When You're Expecting - baby is at a weight of 1.5 lbs and 8.5 inches. JJ was 1.2 ounces on December 14th. The ultrasound tech said that he is growing at a good pace.

We are scheduling a 3D/4D ultrasound on January 6th, my 27th birthday! Well depends either the 6th or Saturday the 7th. LOL. The facility is located in Mira Mesa and is called A Baby Visit (.com). They have a large floor to ceiling screens and stage seating for family and friends. We are really excited to see our little man.

I have gained sooooo much weight. It sucks but I have to remind myself that it is all worth it for Joshua Jr. He is worth the weight gain, aches and pains.

I am going through the bloated phase. I had cankles last night! I woke up this morning a little less swollen than yesterday. I really have to watch my salt intake and drink tons of water. I was so swollen in the legs yesterday that they started to itch like crazy because of the skin stretching. Sooo not fun. Hahaha.

JJ has been very active! More so in the evening. He has been kicking/hitting hard to the point where my belly twitches. LOL. It is awesome to see. I love the feeling of him moving. When he doesn't moves I jiggle my belly a little and he moves. LOL. My poor little bubbs he probably gets annoyed with me. Hahaha.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hormotional to the extreme!

Last night I had a major boohoo moment (one of many) and my darling husband has been putting up with it. I love him so much. Not once has he ever left my side. I am so thankful and blessed to have him in my life.

I won't go into detail as to why I was having a hormotional episode...l cried for an hour. I had the hardest time going back to sleep so right now I am extremely exhausted.

It was really bad last night. The pregnancy hormones just amplifies every little emotion and I cannot control it. I can be fine and dandy one moment and the next...bam! total sadness has washed over me.

Hubby keeps telling me to - hang in there. I am trying. He keeps telling me he just wants me to be happy. He makes me happy. Our son makes me happy. I don't know why I let my hormones get the best of me. I know I need to be happy for our little superhero.

I am trying. I really am.



The New Year is just around the corner. Time sure does breeze on by when you're having the time of your life with the love of your life.

I really do not do New Year Resolutions. I really do not believe in them. You actually just set yourself up for failure. I prefer goals.

I will have a finalized list of goals before the end of the month. But one of them is to blog or vlog everyday for 2012 .

I haven't been journaling...actually I haven't journaled since being married. Most of 2011 there has been no journal entries. So for 2012 it is blogging time. Plus with the possibility of leaving CA next year this will be a good way for family and friend to know what's going on with the Miller family.


Monday, December 19, 2011


I found the cutest onesie! JJ is mos def going home in this...


Emotions and feelings...

Lately I've had my episodes of sadness/depression and well it is actually little things. Stupid if you think about it. I have a great fear that my hubby will one day leave me. I know he never will and I know he loves me with all his heart. I guess it is because after hearing what happened to some of my friends I have built a fear that Josh might do the same thing even though deep down I know he will never do what their significant others have done.

I still have my insecurities. I am trying really hard to let them go.

My darling hubby knows all of this and how I have been feeling and everyday he tells me how much he loves and that he will never leave me because I am the only one for him.

It is such an amazing feeling to have someone love you as much as you love you him. He is my world, my heart, my love...

He is the father of our little bundle of love. He is my soulmate, my bestfriend and my companion.

Everyday I thank God for him and I thank God for truly blessing me with such a wonderful man that is my husband.

I am gettin all mushy gushy right now. Hahaha.

I love my husband so much.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

22 Weeks & 5 Days

My baby boy - JJ


Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

21 Weeks <3


Just finished getting ready to spend the day/evening in LA with my hubby and bestie.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Off by a week!

So I had my monthly OB appointment yesterday...and come to find out my due date is April 13th, 2012. That puts me at 20 weeks. Tomorrow I will be 21 weeks. Every post I have posted titled with how many weeks I am is totally off. The NP said that my LMP and my first ultrasound are close together that my EDD is the 13th of April.

I heard JJ's heartbeat yesterday as well and it was beating a good 145. He was moving too! Awwww I cannot wait to meet my little superhero.

Hmmm should I go back and edit my posts? Ehhhh. I'll just leave them. Starting now I will be posting the correct number of weeks.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

19 Weeks

Today I am 19 weeks preggie!! Annnd it is Thanksgiving!!



Today should not be the only day to be thankful, it should be every day. Let me tell you what I am thankful for...

I am thankful for my wonderful family, I love them with all my heart.

I am thankful for my amazing friends that have been there for me through all the ups and downs.

I am most thankful for God blessing me with my darling husband and our little bundle of love JJ. My husband and our son complete me.

Thank you Lord for everything you have given me, my family, friends, my husband and our son, thank you for this life. I am truly blessed.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pure Happiness.

I married the love of my life and now we are expecting our son JJ...what more can I girl ask for?

Lately I have been extremely moody. I have had major ups and downs and my poor hubby has had to deal with me. I love him for being there for me, he tries to keep me happy and I appreciate everything he has done and is doing for me. I love him so much, more than anyone will ever know. He and our baby are my entire world.

God has blessed me greatly.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

18 Weeks <3

Today is our 8 months wedding anniversary and 18 weeks of being pregnant!

Today was also my level 2 ultrasound.

Joshy went to the ship early this morning to report by 5:30. I couldn't go back to sleep when he left. I was filled with excitement. Also a little worried hubby wouldn't make it home in time for my 11:30a appointment. Around 10:15a I was getting to head out and bam phone rings and hubby was on his home.

We made it to the San Diego Perinatal Center.

We found out what we are having!! Annddd...

Baby Miller is a BOY!!

November 17, 2011 - 18 weeks and 6 days old according to the ultrasound...

Say hello to our little angel, our blessing - Joshua Matthew Miller Jr.

In this photo JJ's mouth is closed.

In this one his mouth is open.

Here you can clearly see he is a HE. Hahaha. The little ball in the middle is his wee wee.

My little JJ <3

We are sooooo excited!

I am so happy.

Blessed <3


Monday, November 14, 2011


17 weeks and 2 days bump photo -

Thursday, November 10, 2011

17 Weeks <3

One week from today my hubby and I will finally get to see our little bundle of love. We are so excited!

Here is a pic of my hidden B belly bump. Thank you Be Band by Belly Band for turning my B belly into a D belly ;) LOL.

Sorry about the dumb face. I should have smiled. Hahaha. I took this pic last night (11/09/2011). This is my 17 week bump :D

If I didn't have a preggie band on you would clearly see my B belly. I cannot wait to look full blown pregnant. LOL. Right now baby Miller is sitting low. Hopefully I start to round out. If not I am okay with a B belly. All that matters is baby Miller being healthy and happy.

Lately I have been so tired. Sleeping at 8hrs at night isn't cutting it. I still take naps in the afternoon. I am more tired now than I was in the first trimester.

Hubby is off today and is going to hangout with my bro and then go to base to get some things done to complete his separation package.

Tomorrow is a duty day =(

As far as eating goes...sometimes I have my cravings and sometimes I go through periods of not wanting to eat and other times I throw up after eating whatever. Hahaha. Oh the joys of being pregnant. Love it!! All worth it in the end.

I cannot wait to meet my little one.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

16 Weeks <3

Today I am 16 weeks!! YAY! Four months!! Here is my first baby bump picture -
I do not have a D belly yet. I still have a B belly. Let me tell what this means if you do not understand...a B belly is pretty much a small belly on top and a small baby bump on the bottom which is in the form of the letter B. A D belly is pretty self explanatory. LOL! When fully clothed you cannot tell I am pregnant. I had to lift up my shirt and hide my top belly so you can see the baby bump.

My level 2 ultrasound is a couple more weeks...around my 18th week. Hopefully we will find out the gender. I want to start calling BM by name and not by BM. HAHAHA!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Yesterday [11.01.2011] was my 16 week appointment. Hubby and I were expecting an ultrasound...but that won't be for another two weeks. We did get to hear the heartbeat!! It was wayy better this time around. The last time I heard the heartbeat was at my 12 week appointment. This time the baby is higher and as soon as the NP put down the Doppler we heard the baby right away. Last time the Dr (not my Dr) that was there had a hard time finding it. LOL.

I have been put on pelvic rest until my next appointment on the 29th. I'll be 20 weeks by then. The first time I was put on pelvic rest was before hubby left for a three week underway. I was spotting at the was old implantation bleeding and only lasted between 3-5 days. Pelvic rest was supposed to last 8 weeks. We only waited the three weeks he was away. Hahaha. This time we will follow what the NP said. I guess my Dr was worried but seriously I felt fine. Now this time the NP said to wait. So I guess we will. For me it's fine but poor hubby. Hahaha. We are newlyweds so yah it's been ON all the time. Let's just say the only time we have breaks are his duty days or when he's underway. LOL. A break will be nice though. Hubby can last four weeks. He made it through six months so four weeks should be nothing to him.

What else?? The only thing I don't like about the NP is that just because I am a big girl she automatically assumes I eat very unhealthy. Yah she sucks. She is a nice person but I am not a fan of hers. I won't see my Dr until 26 weeks. My Dr is nice...she's aiight. Hahahaha!

I know this post is wayy TMI. Oh well. My blog and I can write what ever I want. LOLLL!!


Friday, October 28, 2011

15 Weeks <3

Yesterday (10/26/2011) I reached my 15th week of being pregnant. Yay!

Next week I get to see Baby Miller again. I
am super excited.

I am kind of bummed that I am not really showing yet. Some fellow preggie ladies started showing at 16 weeks. I still have a "B" belly...I want a "D" belly. LOL!

I read that women who are plus-size tend to show a little later than women that were of "normal" weight prior to pregnancy. Even after losing 70lbs I was still considered obese. I just want to show already. The weight gain doesn't bother me that much anymore because I know I can lose it all again. I did it before, I can do it again. I just want to look pregnant. Right now I just look like I gained weight. Hahaha. I know every woman is different. I'm just going on a rant right now. LOL.

I want to look preggie! Cooome on baby! Mommy says GROW! ;)


Thursday, October 20, 2011

14 Weeks <3

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant. Hello second trimester! In two weeks I will be seeing Baby Miller and in six weeks I will be at the half way mark!! Yay. So exciting!!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sad Panda.

I blame my hormones. I just all of a sudden became sad while at work. Then I came home, changed into my pj's and got comfy on the couch and then started to cry! Ugh!! I just want my hubby home. I need a hug.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

7 Months <3

10.17.2011 - My hubby and I have been married seven months!

He is the love of my life, he is my blessing, my everything, my heart, my soul, my lover, my companion, my best friend and my soulmate. I am thankful to God for every moment, day, hour, second we have with each other. I am blessed with an amazing husband - a wonderful, honest, kind, trustworthy man...he has so many more great qualities. He is my other half. I love him with all my heart. Another month down, a lifetime to go with the love of my life.



Ugh! I am coming down with something. Noooooo.

Headache. Check. Itchy throat. Check.

I still can kinda sorta breathe. My chest feels congested. Yuck.

Oh dear. Thank you coworkers for coming into the office with your germs. I greatly appreciate it =/

I feel so blahhh.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The dayyss go byy...

It is hard to put FB and Twitter in the back corner of my brain. Hahaha. Every time I pick up my iPhone I tap the app that is in the place of where FB used to be...same with Twitter. So far I've tweeted about the wedding video I've edited and FB'd a Seaworld photo and the wedding video. That's about it. I have two weeks to be social network free.

It's crazy at how much time I put into Facebook and Twitter...really crazy. I need to kick the habit for reals.

With a lot of free time on my hands I have gone back to reading for fun! Yay! I am putting my Kindle to good use again. Just bought a few books that I look forward to reading.

Also it is back to working out and getting into preggie shape! I am done with gaining weight. Hahaha. Yes I have come to terms with gaining weight but it doesn't hurt to start maintaining a healthy weight during this pregnancy. I am very determined to lose all the baby weight and then some once Baby Miller arrives. I finally experienced being under 200lbs and I will go back to that. I did it once and I will do it again ;)

Sometimes I get bummed and sad about gaining weight. It sucked being at 270lbs. I am no where near there right now but I have gained some poundage since being married and preggie. Then hubby brings me back up and encourages me that I will lose it all again. I know I will because I am that determined to get back into shape. I just want to be healthy for my baby and for me.

Gosh I love my husband. He is my everything. He keeps me grounded. I can go total cheeseball mode and gush about how much I love my hubby and how much he means to me and how extremely happy I am that I married my other half. BUTT I will save you the toothache and not gush in this post. I will save it for a future post. Hahaha!!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our Wedding <3

March 17, 2011

Seaworld 10.09.2011

Last Sunday my darling hubby and I went to Seaworld. It was his first time. We had a blast! Here are only a few pics taken with hubby's phone. I still need to upload from my camera.

IMG 2137

IMG 2138

IMG 2140

IMG 2141

Social Networking @ its finest...

I have decided to break away from Facebook and Twitter on a temporary basis. I get too absorbed in making my life so public and I also find myself wayy too interested in other peoples lives...also certain people are irritating the hekk out of me. LOL!

I figured I'd stay away for awhile and just focus on my life without the world of Social Networks. I am going to try to stay away until after hubby's Holiday party on the 28th of this month. I am going to post pics from the event of course and also post pics of my upcoming ultrasound...FB is an easy way to share stuff like that with family who are in other states. Until then I am MIA. I've signed off from FB and Twitter on my iPhone and placed the apps in a folder instead of my homescreen.

Let us see how long I will last. LOL! Also I think it will help me focus more at work. I do tend to lose concentration and want to check FB statuses and post tweets up the wazooo. HAHAHA.

I can do thisssss...


Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 Weeks <3

Today (per my first ultrasound) I am 13 weeks! Yay! Almost into the second trimester.

This past Monday was a rollercoaster of emotions. My poor bubbah had to endure a lot of my boohoo moments. I do not know what was wrong...I just became sad all of a sudden to the point where I could not stop crying. Through it all my husband was by my side and comforted me.

Since then I have been all right. No episodes of crying an ocean.

I am still always super tired. I've lost a few pounds. My hair stopped falling out. It is normal to have hair fall out daily...mine has seems to have stopped or less and less hair is falling out. No complaints here.

My appetite has changed. Sometimes I am not hungry at all and a bowl of cereal is all I need or I am super duper extremely hungry.

I cannot wait to start taking baby bump pictures. I will probably start around 16 weeks. Depends really on the bump.

Time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I told my hubby that I was 4 weeks pregnant. Now I am 13 weeks! We are so excited :D


Monday, October 10, 2011


Just got home from a fun filled day at Seaworld.

I love my husband <3


Friday, October 7, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good...

My other half is home!! YAY! My heart is whole once again.

Today I worked a half day - 5am to 9am. During my four hours of work I had butterflies in my tummy. When he texted me that he was on his heart started to pitter patter. As soon as the time clock hit 8:53am I clocked out and jetted for the door and made my way home to my husband.

I was welcomed with the hug that I waited weeks for and I also got my flurry of kisses. MmmHmm. Reunited and it feels so good.

We spent most of the moring catching up on How I Met Your Mother and chatting up a storm. We then picked up lunch, brought it back home and ate while watching the rest of HIMYM. Once we finished eating and watching we talked more and more...then started watching Big Bang Theory. We ended up falling asleep on the couch. After an hour we moved to the bedroom and slept for another good 2.5 hours. It was much needed sleep. He was tired from the day before and I was just preggie tired. Hahaha.

Hubby is now at the gym getting his workout on while I am home blogging away and watching reruns of Psych.

This weekend is going to be a wonderful weekend. I love spending quality time with my darling hubby.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mid-week Blues.

I really miss my hubby. It's been a long few weeks. Thank goodness it's coming to an end soon. I haven't heard from him since last Wednesday.

I know his division is super busy all the time and my bubbah is always working. So I do not expect to hear from him much.

I am happy for the other wives when they hear from their hubby's. Really. I am. No jealousy here. Yah I feel down sometimes because I feel left out but I know what's up with his division. Its no bueno. LOL! Like what a fellow Navy wife posted on FB...we are here to support each other. It's true...If I did not meet the wives and make friends I would be having a hard time dealing with my hubby being away. I am thankful for these beautiful women in my life.

This lovely gloomy weather SD is having fits my mood. I am so ready for this week to be over.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

12 Week Appointment.

According to the doctor and doctors notes I am 12 weeks and 4 days today. By my calculations this is per my last menstrual period. If we go by my first ultrasound that was on September 7th, it said my EDD was April 19th which makes me 11 weeks and 5 days today. Ehhh...give or take a week. I am hoping my next appointment will be an ultrasound and we can find out for reals how far a long I am. HAHA.

Today my Daddy came with me to my doctor appointment. We were expecting a second ultrasound, but instead the doctor used the doppler to hear the heartbeat. It took a while for her to find it, she would move it...get one beat and it was gone. Apparently Baby Miller was moving a lot. Then after a good five minutes of finding it and then losing it...Baby Miller stayed still and we got to hear the heartbeat. It was a good 150-155. I was telling BM (quietly to myself) to keep still so we can hear the beats. LOL! My Daddy recorded it on his iPhone so we can play it back to my hubby when he comes home from sailing.

It was so amazing to hear the heartbeat. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that you have baby inside of you that is part - you and your other half. We created this little baby that I am carrying. I am going to cry. LOL! I am so, so happy and truly blessed.

After the appointment I took my Dad out for dinner. It was good quality father-daughter time.

Hubby will be home soon! I am super duper excited. I cannot wait to get a nice big hug and a flurry of kisses from my love. I miss him so much my heart hurts. Just got to hang in there for a few more days. Then we will be reunited.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sundae Recap.

-I woke up feeling really good this morning.
-As I was driving along Camino Ruiz and Miramar Rd to get to the 15 S freeway...all the lights were green.
-Had an awesome shopping day with my lovely mommy and darling auntie Alpha.
-I found TWO dresses for hubby's upcoming Holiday Party (it's nice to have options). I've gained weight so it was a little tough finding something I liked that was in my size. I was browsing the women's dresses and found these two...

Dress one - black dress and a lace bolero. My arms got chunkaaaay! so the bolero is nice to cover them up. Both items are from Ross. Totaling to about 32 dollars. Great find!

Dress two - same exact dress as the black one, this one has a nice print. This dress is also from Ross, only 26 dollars. The bolero I also got from Ross, but sometime last week. Bolero was also 10 dollars.

I am leaning towards the black one for the Holiday Party. It seems to fit the evening event.

So glad the new week is here. My other half will be home soon!! I cannot wait to be in his arms.

I miss and love my hubby so much <3


Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Night.

It is Friday night and my attempt to sleep early has failed. I grabbed my MacBook Pro and decided to blog away. It is funny how I used to write everyday in a journal...religiously. My day was not complete until I had my little journal time. I actually have not written in a journal in a while. Probably since hubby came home from deployment (March 2011).

Now everything is via internet. I have kept a couple of blogs while also having a journal. Now I am just going to blog...well...for now that is. Having a written journal is more precious than a blog. At least it can be saved for Baby Miller to read when he or she is older. Maybe I will start another journal, maybe I won't. It depends really...I need to find that perfect journal. Every journal that I have and have filled has special meaning. I have yet to find that one journal that I can document my life as of now.

I guess I am still looking for it. For is nothing but good ol' blogging.
My brother stayed with me a few nights and my Mother came over earlier for dinner and to pick him up. It was nice. I made my lasagna, my Mommy and bro's favorite, and we sat at the dining table and had a nice dinner. It was so nice to have company.

With hubby sailing the ocean has been lonely around here. I am not really alone, I do have Baby Miller with me all the time. I just miss my husband. I miss his company, I miss him sleeping next to me, I miss his hugs and kisses...I miss all of him. I really cannot wait until he comes home. Just need to make it
through this weekend and he will be home in no time.


Thursday, September 29, 2011

In the arms of MY LOVE <3


Baby Names

Girl - Emilia Marlynn Miller
Boy - Joshua Matthew Miller Jr.

Emilia = Emilina (my Mother) + Celia (my Grandmother)
Marlynn = Margaret (Hubby's Grandmother [Dads side]) + Lynn (his Mothers middle name)


11 Weeks <3

Today I am 11 weeks!! Super exciting. Three more weeks and I will be in my second trimester. Yay!

Tuesday Oct. 4th I will be seeing Baby Miller again! I cannot wait to see how much baby has grown. Since hubby isn't home yet from his sailing adventure...I asked my Dad to go with me. He is super excited. Hahaha.

This baby is loved so much <3


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One Phone Call.

One phone call from my hubby totally made my night.

I haven't heard his voice since he left for this long underway. Hearing his voice made me feel so much better. I love him so much. I am totally gushing right now. It was amazing to hear the love of my lifes voice.

I cannot wait until he comes home. I miss him so much.


A little bit more...

I created this blog to document my and my hubby's journey throughout this pregnancy, after the birth of our baby and our life together.

I think I will also make this my personal blog as well. I am going to pretty much use this blog for everything from pregnancy to personal experiences and everything in between. It is wayy better than creating a second blog for personal use. This blog is now and forever my main blog. I still have a Tumblr ( but probably won't be blogging on that one anymore. It'll still be used but for random pictures and such.

This blog is more than a pregnancy blog. It's going to be about my wonderful life with my amazing husband, our baby, and life's many splendors.


Friday, September 23, 2011

First Ultrasound

I had my first ultrasound on September 7th, 2011. Here is baby Miller's first picture @ 7 weeks and 6 days... IMG 1991 To hear the heartbeat is such an amazing feeling. To know that this little bean is growing inside of you...oh my goodness...there are really no words to express how wonderful it is. My little blessing <3

From the beginning...

The day I found out I was pregnant I cried my eyes out. Hubby and I have been trying since we got married. Every month was a disappointment...oh how I hated my monthly visitor for visiting me every month. Then during the month of visitor. I was super tired during that was so weird. I mean I have been tired but this time around I was REALLY tired. It was the week my visitor was supposed to come. I have to rely on calendar days when it comes to my menstrual cycle. I do not have any kind of pre-menstrual occasional pimple or two and just being really sleepy. The exact day I was supposed to get my period I had a after work I automatically drove to CVS. I did not think twice about it. I went straight to the pregnancy tests. I purchased the three pack EPT's. Went straight home... IMG 1906 I took three tests! HAHAHA! I had to make sure. Then I took one on August 11th... IMG 1910 And another one (the last one) on August 12th... IMG 1915 After that I totally believed it for realzzz. LOL! How I told my hubby... On August 12th hubby came home from underway. So...I invited my Mommy, Daddy and broski over for dinner. Auntie Alpha helped me set it all up. I got off work early...10am. Auntie Alpha came over after she got off from work, we picked up food and stopped by Baby's R Us. I purchased four baby bibs...each one saying..."I LOVE DADDY", "I LOVE GRANDMA", "I LOVE GRANDPA" and "MY UNCLE IS SINGLE" (something to that extent). My brother knew beforehand and I had told my Dad over the phone because he wasn't able to make it to dinner. He had a bowling tournament. He was super excited and started to cry over the could hear it in his voice. Joshy came home first...I was so anxious for my Mom and bro to come over so I could share the amazing news. Hubby took a shower and got ready. Mommy and bro showed up a good half hour after hubby did. While Mommy and hubby were getting their food...I handed them napkins which the baby bibs were wrapped in. As soon as they opened their napkins...sheer shock. LOL! My Mommy kept saying "really?" and hubby stared at the bib and then at me. HAHAHA. It was an amazing moment and all caught on video! IMG 1919

IMG 1923

IMG 1921

IMG 1925

IMG 1924 Here is the video...

08.12.2011 - SURPRISE!! from NiokoOno on Vimeo.

It was a most wonderfully blessed day <3

Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 Weeks <3

I decided to start a pregnancy blog to document everything - baby ultra sound pictures, my emotional rollercoaster, food cravings, baby bump pictures and everything in between. Pretty much my and my husbands journey...this is our love story.

Today I am 10 weeks pregnant!!

I need to do one blog post that recaps everything from finding out I am pregnant, telling my hubby and family the good news, first doctors appointment and first ultrasound. I also need to post pictures! That will be on my to do list this weekend.

Today was a good day. I was just super tired. I took a nap when I got home and now it is almost midnight and I am not at all sleepy. For sure I will be feeling it at work.

I cannot wait to get this blog really going. Fun times ahead for sure.
