Saturday, February 25, 2012

02.21.2012 - 02.25.2012

Four day recap time! LOL! Or at least try to recap on these past four days. Preggie brain is getting to me for reals. Hahaha.

The work week was alright. I am so ready for maternity leave. March 9th needs to roll around pronto! I still have a few paper work to take care of...short term disability stuff and the Hartford supplemental STD the company provides. I need to get on that this coming Monday.

I have been so tired at work. I cannot hang anymore. I did clear out my contract inventory which then lead to me being put on a priority project on Friday. I was super swollen yesterday and working was tough. Sitting at a desk for hours at a time takes a toll on your body. It really is not fun. I get up every hour or two to stretch and walk around. My supervisor pressured me into coming into work today to do some overtime. This project needs to be done my Monday. I already told her that I would not do any OT during the last few weeks I have at work. Still I was pressured into taking between 2-3 hours Saturday. I woke up this morning dizzy and still bloated. I called my coworker and told her what was up and she understood and I also cancelled on hanging with best as well.

I met up with fellow Navy wives Thursday evening for dinner at Olive Garden. They are the wives of my bubby's ex-shipmates. I still talk to the wives even though bubby is no longer attached to the USS Halsey. They are awesome ladies. It was really nice to be with friends that know exactly how hard it is to be away from your spouse for a long period of time. Fun times talking about the men. LOL! Gotta love girl talk ;)

I have been home all day just relaxing and napping. Feels really good. JJ and I needed it.

Tomorrow I am supposed to be going to a friends sons 1st birthday party. I am bailing out on that one too. Mos def making this entire week a stay home weekend. Monday I start work at 5am up until Friday. Then the following week is my last week! YIPPEE!!

My elephant legs have gotten down a little...but still a swollen.

I already have that pregnant waddle going on. LOL! I try not to walk that way but it just comes naturally. JJ is getting BIG!

I hit 33 weeks yesterday (02.24.2012)!! :D My baby boy will grace us with his beautiful presence soon. I am so excited!

My babyshower is on March 17th and my darling bubby will be here soon! I cannot wait to see him! I miss him soo much.


Monday, February 20, 2012

02.19.2012 - 02.20.2012

Sunday (19th) - I pretty much stayed home all day! I finished up the babyshower invitations. They are stamped and ready to be mailed out tomorrow. It was a good relaxing day.

Monday (today!) - Work was a total drag! I could barely keep my eyes open. Hahaha. I did not want to get up this morning.

It was really hard to stay awake at work. I cannot wait until maternity leave. Speaking of maternity leave...I did pick up my ML papers from my doctors office today annnnnd my last day of work is March 9th. Yay! That is not that far from now :D

I do have a feeling that the next few weeks will go by slow because I am waiting for the 9th to roll around. Hahaha.

Maternity leave just makes it real. It is really happening...I will be giving birth in a little under two months!! JJ will be in my arms soon.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

32 Weeks & 1 Day <3


Baby Bump Progression

1st Month - 07.29.2011
2nd Month - 8 Weeks
3rd Month - 09.10.2011
4th Month - 11.12.2011 17 Weeks & 2 Days
5th Month - 12.02.2011 21 Weeks
6th Month - 12.25.2011 24 Weeks & 3 Days
7th Month - 01.20.2012 28 Weeks
8th Month - 02.17.2012 32 Weeks

Friday, February 17, 2012

32 Weeks <3

Yay!! I am 32 weeks pregnant today (02.17.2012).

Not only am I 32 weeks today, today also marks 11 months of marriage to the love of my life. JJ will grace us with his presence in 8 weeks and four weeks from today my bubby and I will reach our one year wedding anniversary!! Double yay!!

Everything that happened in 2011 up to now probably seems so fast in other peoples eyes, probably think we rushed into everything.

Honestly, everything happened at the right time...Gods time.

I am so blessed. Truly blessed.


02.16.2012 - :(

Missing my husband dearly.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

02.15.2012 - Baby Appointment Day!!

I got off work at noon because I had an appointment with my OB. She checked my baby tummy by palpitation and used the doppler to check JJ's heartbeat. She let me hear it twice :)
After the first time she asked me all the general questions and checked my bloodpressure while laying down. All good! Then before she left I asked if his heartbeat was normal, she smiled and told me to lay back down and let me hear it again. When we heard his heartbeat she said "beautiful, it cannot get better than that...152 bpm." JJ was very active as well at that time.
In two weeks I have an ultrasound! Yay!! We are going to find out what his weight is. At that time I will be a little after 33 weeks. Yippee! 8 weeks from this Friday my baby boy will grace us with his presence!! I am soo excited :D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

02.14.2012 - Happy Valentines Day!!

Today is our first Valentines as husband and wife. When I got home from running around I came home to this...

My bubby got me my favorite flower - tulips and purple (my favorite color) irises. Soooo beautiful! There was a little bear and a small card.

I love him so much! God has truly blessed me with such an amazing man, a wonderful husband and he will be an amazingly wonderful Father. He is my everything. My husband and our son are my world.

He also let me get the iPhone 4S!!

Today I got off from work at 11am. I came home ate, picked up my brother and we headed to the Pass&Decal/ID Card Lab on Harbor Dr. I got my new military dependent ID as well as new base stickers for my Venza.

Let me tell pregnant has many perks. LOL!! I had an appt for my ID so that went by rather quickly. As for the stickers there was a long line. I waddled over to the line and not even 5 minutes one of the employees came over to me and asked for paperwork. He then he told me to follow him. We went past the line and into the office. I got my sticker in less than 15 minutes. Hahaha!!!! He also was kind enough to put them on my car for me :) He was such a nice man.

After all the military stuff we went to Plaza Bonita and I got my 64gb iPhone 4S! Yay!! I got the white one.

My bubby pretty much got me the iPhone :) Flowers and an iPhone on Valentines Day. I love him so much!!

We Tango'd today so I got to see his face! Woohoo for video chatting via cellphones.

I really miss him. I cannot wait for him to be here next month. MmmHmm.

Happy Valentines Day!!


02.12.2012 - 02.13.2012

Sunday I stayed home all day because I had to collect my urine for 24hrs. Oh the things pregnant women go through. I will for sure do anything for my baby. This was the second time I had to do a 24hr collection.

Monday was just another day. Work was work. Went to the lab to drop off the specimen and get my blood drawn.

That was pretty much the last two days. Hahaha. Nothing too exciting.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

02.08.2012 - 02.11.2012 - 4 Day Recap

I have missed about three days of blogging. Since I no longer journal I really need to keep this thing updated. My Mom asked me if I still journal...I haven't really journaled since probably April of last year. Or around the time we got married. I just let it go.

I am usually good at keeping my journal updated, but life happened. I tried journaling at the beginning of my pregnancy...but that didn't pan out either. Like Josh...everything is in my head. He said that all his best memories are in his head and his heart. I love my husband :)

I do plan on scrapbooking stuff! Usually I keep everything like tickets, pamphlets, whatever from wherever I have been.

For me now that I think about it...the best memories are the people and the history you create with them. Pen on paper fades, pictures, whatever...only material. People make memories. My husband, my son...both my forever memories. They are always in my heart and will forever be in my heart.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

02.07.2012 - Video Chat!

Bubby and I video chatted last night! Yay! It was soo awesome to see his face :) I really miss my husband.

I forgot to write a blog post...again. Hahaha.

Work was work. Chilled at home. Finally got some sleep (but still not enough) and saw my bubby :D


Monday, February 6, 2012

Another day has come and gone...

Today after work I went straight to Jaimees and we hung out for a bit. The three of us (Jaimee & Jayden) went to Soup Plantation and then Target. It was fun times with my loffer and Godson.

Work was pretty blah. I had a scare because JJ didn't move much through out the entire morning. When I was about ready to tell my supervisor that I needed to go to L&D he started dancing in my belly :) I think he knew I was worrying.

Bubby called me throughout the day. He had a very good first day of work. He is really enjoying his new job. I am so happy for him.

We talked about getting a house as well with his VA loan. Looks like in 2013 we will have our very first house :D

Gosh I miss my bubby so much! I love my husband with all my heart.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday not so fun day...

A day full of tears, apartment cleaning, food and sleep.

I miss my bubby so much :(

Saturday, February 4, 2012

02.04.2012 - Today...

Saturday has come and gone...

I am really missing my husband :(

Today my Mother emptied out her little closet from Ikea and I put all my clothes in it. I am all settled now. For the next 5-6 months I will be at home with my parents and brother.

My blood pressure is a little high today. Probably from the moving around and also the missing of the hubby. I am about to hit the pillow and relax for the rest of the night.

But first...Skype date with my bubby and then sleep :)

01.30.2012 - 02.02.2012

The entire week I missed of blogging I spent my time with my darling husband. It was our last week together, plus we were in the process of moving me to my parents house. He also had a bunch of stuff to take care of on base and with the VA.

Now he is in OR spending time with his family in Salem before driving to Hillsboro on Sunday. Come Monday he starts his new job as a civilian at EPSON.

I still need to get my dependent i.d. updated to the reserve dependent i.d. Hubby no longer has his active duty i.d. He is now a civilian. LOL!

Yah soooo the week I missed was bubby/baby time. I miss him so much. He is not here to rub my tummy, rub my back, kiss me goodnight...all that goodness. I love my bubby so much.

Friday, February 3, 2012

30 Weeks

I missed a whole week of blogging!! Oh geez. Well I will recap in tomorrow's post (unless I forget LOL). I only forgot because it was the last week before my bubby left for OR. I will get to that in a sec...

I am 30 weeks today!

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Not only did I hit 30 weeks, my bubby left for OR early this morning. I miss him so much already! Yess I cried this morning. We will be reunited in March.

Oh and last night (02.02.2012) we had a second 3D/4D ultrasound.

421468 10150654922800530 586105529 11837554 978074017 n
He is smiling here.

425328 10150654922850530 586105529 11837555 1472485993 n
Sleepy head.

Bubby wanted to see our lil superhero before going to OR.

JJ already weighs 4lbs and he as chunky cheeks! Hehehe. I cannot wait to hold our baby boy in two months!
