Saturday, June 30, 2012

Three Months

Newborn 03/30/2012

One Month 04/30/2012

Two Months 05/30/2012

Three Months 06/30/2012

Today my baby boy is three months old. I cannot believe I have a three month old. Every moment with him is priceless. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful son. Happy three months baby boy. Mommy and Daddy love you so much.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

First Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the two most important men in my darling husband and my wonderful Dad!!

JJ loves his Daddy and Grandpa :)


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Joshua Jr.'s Dedication

On 06.15.2012 JJ was dedicated to God at my parents home. Pastor Ray (Leann's husband) came over and dedicated JJ. We had family and close friends over for this special day. Joshua was able to be there for the entire ceremony via FaceTime using the iPad. Omgoodness technology today has allowed my husband who is in Oregon to be at our son's dedication. It was awesome.

We had food, fun and good times. It was great to have friends and family over to celebrate this joyous moment in JJ's life.

I am so thankful and blessed to have such amazing friends and family.

Pictures to come later!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mommy Blog!?

Yes I have decided to turn this blog into a Mommy blog!! I figured since I will be a stay-at-home Mom (SAHM) starting June 13th I should document my life as a full time NEW Mommy!

JJ is such a beautiful blessing. I am still in awe of him. I really do not think it has fully hit me that I am a Mother and JJ is a little over two months old!

When I look at him my heart melts and I cannot believe Joshua and I created him. It is absolutely amazing.

I am still on the hunt for a blog designer. I would like this blog to be more not so boring and blah.

Here is a picture of my happy baby and I hope his smile makes you smile...


Saturday, June 2, 2012


I am going to TRY to write a blog post everyday for the month of June. We shall see how it pans out. These next two weeks will be my hectic weeks with work, packing, and just getting everything prepared for the big day.

15 days and counting...


Friday, June 1, 2012

The countdown begins...

16 more days left in San Diego. I cannot believe how fast time is flying. We are already halfway through 2012.


A lot has happened these past few days. JJ turned 2 months on the 30th of May. I had an emotional breakdown on that day as well. I do not know what came over me. I could not control my emotions.

I broke down in front of my parents, brother and JJ. Then that evening I broke down over the phone with my hubby. I feel so stupid now but at that time I was just out of it.

My Dad said it could be the birth control. I need to have a better handle on my emotions. I know this now. I do not want to go through that again especially in front of JJ.

I know my parents are here to help me but I guess I felt like I wasn't getting any bonding time with JJ. In my head I felt like JJ did not want me. My Mom and Dad are only trying to help and spend time with him. When we are in OR they will not get to see him everyday like they do now. I understand this. I just lost it that day. I really need to get rid of the negative that runs through my head sometimes.

I am not ashamed or embarrassed to talk/write about this. It is not postpartum depression. I think I had a case of the baby blues. Those are two very different things. I am okay now. I have a better grasp on everything right now.

Being at work does not help. I miss JJ so much and that adds on to all the mixed emotions.

I love my husband so much. I know I am a handful at times. I know he is really trying to be supportive. The distance between us makes it hard buy in 15 days we will be reunited and in 16 days we will be on our way to OR as a family.
