Friday, October 28, 2011

15 Weeks <3

Yesterday (10/26/2011) I reached my 15th week of being pregnant. Yay!

Next week I get to see Baby Miller again. I
am super excited.

I am kind of bummed that I am not really showing yet. Some fellow preggie ladies started showing at 16 weeks. I still have a "B" belly...I want a "D" belly. LOL!

I read that women who are plus-size tend to show a little later than women that were of "normal" weight prior to pregnancy. Even after losing 70lbs I was still considered obese. I just want to show already. The weight gain doesn't bother me that much anymore because I know I can lose it all again. I did it before, I can do it again. I just want to look pregnant. Right now I just look like I gained weight. Hahaha. I know every woman is different. I'm just going on a rant right now. LOL.

I want to look preggie! Cooome on baby! Mommy says GROW! ;)


Thursday, October 20, 2011

14 Weeks <3

Today I am 14 weeks pregnant. Hello second trimester! In two weeks I will be seeing Baby Miller and in six weeks I will be at the half way mark!! Yay. So exciting!!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sad Panda.

I blame my hormones. I just all of a sudden became sad while at work. Then I came home, changed into my pj's and got comfy on the couch and then started to cry! Ugh!! I just want my hubby home. I need a hug.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

7 Months <3

10.17.2011 - My hubby and I have been married seven months!

He is the love of my life, he is my blessing, my everything, my heart, my soul, my lover, my companion, my best friend and my soulmate. I am thankful to God for every moment, day, hour, second we have with each other. I am blessed with an amazing husband - a wonderful, honest, kind, trustworthy man...he has so many more great qualities. He is my other half. I love him with all my heart. Another month down, a lifetime to go with the love of my life.



Ugh! I am coming down with something. Noooooo.

Headache. Check. Itchy throat. Check.

I still can kinda sorta breathe. My chest feels congested. Yuck.

Oh dear. Thank you coworkers for coming into the office with your germs. I greatly appreciate it =/

I feel so blahhh.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The dayyss go byy...

It is hard to put FB and Twitter in the back corner of my brain. Hahaha. Every time I pick up my iPhone I tap the app that is in the place of where FB used to be...same with Twitter. So far I've tweeted about the wedding video I've edited and FB'd a Seaworld photo and the wedding video. That's about it. I have two weeks to be social network free.

It's crazy at how much time I put into Facebook and Twitter...really crazy. I need to kick the habit for reals.

With a lot of free time on my hands I have gone back to reading for fun! Yay! I am putting my Kindle to good use again. Just bought a few books that I look forward to reading.

Also it is back to working out and getting into preggie shape! I am done with gaining weight. Hahaha. Yes I have come to terms with gaining weight but it doesn't hurt to start maintaining a healthy weight during this pregnancy. I am very determined to lose all the baby weight and then some once Baby Miller arrives. I finally experienced being under 200lbs and I will go back to that. I did it once and I will do it again ;)

Sometimes I get bummed and sad about gaining weight. It sucked being at 270lbs. I am no where near there right now but I have gained some poundage since being married and preggie. Then hubby brings me back up and encourages me that I will lose it all again. I know I will because I am that determined to get back into shape. I just want to be healthy for my baby and for me.

Gosh I love my husband. He is my everything. He keeps me grounded. I can go total cheeseball mode and gush about how much I love my hubby and how much he means to me and how extremely happy I am that I married my other half. BUTT I will save you the toothache and not gush in this post. I will save it for a future post. Hahaha!!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Our Wedding <3

March 17, 2011

Seaworld 10.09.2011

Last Sunday my darling hubby and I went to Seaworld. It was his first time. We had a blast! Here are only a few pics taken with hubby's phone. I still need to upload from my camera.

IMG 2137

IMG 2138

IMG 2140

IMG 2141

Social Networking @ its finest...

I have decided to break away from Facebook and Twitter on a temporary basis. I get too absorbed in making my life so public and I also find myself wayy too interested in other peoples lives...also certain people are irritating the hekk out of me. LOL!

I figured I'd stay away for awhile and just focus on my life without the world of Social Networks. I am going to try to stay away until after hubby's Holiday party on the 28th of this month. I am going to post pics from the event of course and also post pics of my upcoming ultrasound...FB is an easy way to share stuff like that with family who are in other states. Until then I am MIA. I've signed off from FB and Twitter on my iPhone and placed the apps in a folder instead of my homescreen.

Let us see how long I will last. LOL! Also I think it will help me focus more at work. I do tend to lose concentration and want to check FB statuses and post tweets up the wazooo. HAHAHA.

I can do thisssss...


Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 Weeks <3

Today (per my first ultrasound) I am 13 weeks! Yay! Almost into the second trimester.

This past Monday was a rollercoaster of emotions. My poor bubbah had to endure a lot of my boohoo moments. I do not know what was wrong...I just became sad all of a sudden to the point where I could not stop crying. Through it all my husband was by my side and comforted me.

Since then I have been all right. No episodes of crying an ocean.

I am still always super tired. I've lost a few pounds. My hair stopped falling out. It is normal to have hair fall out daily...mine has seems to have stopped or less and less hair is falling out. No complaints here.

My appetite has changed. Sometimes I am not hungry at all and a bowl of cereal is all I need or I am super duper extremely hungry.

I cannot wait to start taking baby bump pictures. I will probably start around 16 weeks. Depends really on the bump.

Time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday I told my hubby that I was 4 weeks pregnant. Now I am 13 weeks! We are so excited :D


Monday, October 10, 2011


Just got home from a fun filled day at Seaworld.

I love my husband <3


Friday, October 7, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good...

My other half is home!! YAY! My heart is whole once again.

Today I worked a half day - 5am to 9am. During my four hours of work I had butterflies in my tummy. When he texted me that he was on his heart started to pitter patter. As soon as the time clock hit 8:53am I clocked out and jetted for the door and made my way home to my husband.

I was welcomed with the hug that I waited weeks for and I also got my flurry of kisses. MmmHmm. Reunited and it feels so good.

We spent most of the moring catching up on How I Met Your Mother and chatting up a storm. We then picked up lunch, brought it back home and ate while watching the rest of HIMYM. Once we finished eating and watching we talked more and more...then started watching Big Bang Theory. We ended up falling asleep on the couch. After an hour we moved to the bedroom and slept for another good 2.5 hours. It was much needed sleep. He was tired from the day before and I was just preggie tired. Hahaha.

Hubby is now at the gym getting his workout on while I am home blogging away and watching reruns of Psych.

This weekend is going to be a wonderful weekend. I love spending quality time with my darling hubby.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mid-week Blues.

I really miss my hubby. It's been a long few weeks. Thank goodness it's coming to an end soon. I haven't heard from him since last Wednesday.

I know his division is super busy all the time and my bubbah is always working. So I do not expect to hear from him much.

I am happy for the other wives when they hear from their hubby's. Really. I am. No jealousy here. Yah I feel down sometimes because I feel left out but I know what's up with his division. Its no bueno. LOL! Like what a fellow Navy wife posted on FB...we are here to support each other. It's true...If I did not meet the wives and make friends I would be having a hard time dealing with my hubby being away. I am thankful for these beautiful women in my life.

This lovely gloomy weather SD is having fits my mood. I am so ready for this week to be over.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

12 Week Appointment.

According to the doctor and doctors notes I am 12 weeks and 4 days today. By my calculations this is per my last menstrual period. If we go by my first ultrasound that was on September 7th, it said my EDD was April 19th which makes me 11 weeks and 5 days today. Ehhh...give or take a week. I am hoping my next appointment will be an ultrasound and we can find out for reals how far a long I am. HAHA.

Today my Daddy came with me to my doctor appointment. We were expecting a second ultrasound, but instead the doctor used the doppler to hear the heartbeat. It took a while for her to find it, she would move it...get one beat and it was gone. Apparently Baby Miller was moving a lot. Then after a good five minutes of finding it and then losing it...Baby Miller stayed still and we got to hear the heartbeat. It was a good 150-155. I was telling BM (quietly to myself) to keep still so we can hear the beats. LOL! My Daddy recorded it on his iPhone so we can play it back to my hubby when he comes home from sailing.

It was so amazing to hear the heartbeat. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that you have baby inside of you that is part - you and your other half. We created this little baby that I am carrying. I am going to cry. LOL! I am so, so happy and truly blessed.

After the appointment I took my Dad out for dinner. It was good quality father-daughter time.

Hubby will be home soon! I am super duper excited. I cannot wait to get a nice big hug and a flurry of kisses from my love. I miss him so much my heart hurts. Just got to hang in there for a few more days. Then we will be reunited.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sundae Recap.

-I woke up feeling really good this morning.
-As I was driving along Camino Ruiz and Miramar Rd to get to the 15 S freeway...all the lights were green.
-Had an awesome shopping day with my lovely mommy and darling auntie Alpha.
-I found TWO dresses for hubby's upcoming Holiday Party (it's nice to have options). I've gained weight so it was a little tough finding something I liked that was in my size. I was browsing the women's dresses and found these two...

Dress one - black dress and a lace bolero. My arms got chunkaaaay! so the bolero is nice to cover them up. Both items are from Ross. Totaling to about 32 dollars. Great find!

Dress two - same exact dress as the black one, this one has a nice print. This dress is also from Ross, only 26 dollars. The bolero I also got from Ross, but sometime last week. Bolero was also 10 dollars.

I am leaning towards the black one for the Holiday Party. It seems to fit the evening event.

So glad the new week is here. My other half will be home soon!! I cannot wait to be in his arms.

I miss and love my hubby so much <3
