Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It has been a while...

I have not blogged in a good while, since JJ's dedication post to be exact. I have not even journaled in a long while as well. The only free time I do have is when JJ is napping and usually I take a nap too.

My days consist of Mommy/Wife duties and being with JJ 24/7 is absolutely amazing! I would not change it for the world. I am so happy to be spending time with him every day.

There is so much I still need to do...
I need to scrapbook all of JJ's stuff still, I have yet to unpack all our stuff annnnd this apartment needs major cleaning and reorganization.

OOOH! I also need to start working out again. Ugh this post preggie weight is so not the business. Hubby reactivated my 24 Hour Fitness membership yesterday...so it is time to get back to the workout grind. It is much needed.

We have been in Oregon for about two and a half months now. I am still getting used to the area. We did have a few weeks of extreme heat and it was crazy for JJ. He had a heat rash outbreak. It was horrible. Then all of a sudden the weather cooled down a great deal. Now we are in the low 70s.

I have got to get blog posts organized. Hmmm...gotta do my research on how to make this a full time Mommy blog. Time to chit chat with a few friends that do this full time :)