Tuesday, March 27, 2012

03.23.2012 - 03.27.2012

Friday the 23rd -

37 weeks today!! Hello full term. Baby JJ can grace us ugh his presence any day now. Since I do have PIH I may be induced if there is no progress by next weeks appointment.

My Broski and I had a day out. We ran some errands and hit up the mall. We had lunch at Red Robin. I got Ghost Armor installed on my iPad.

Then Friday evening fin 7p to 10p I attended a breast feeding class. I finally met Zayra after almost two years of texting and talking on the phone. I picked her up and went to the class together.

The class itself was very informational. I really enjoyed it.

Saturday the 24th -

I had my child birthing preparation class. My Mother went with me since my Bubby is in OR. The class was from 9am to 3pm which included a hospital tour of Mary Birch.

We did breathing techniques and relaxation exercises but it wasn't the same without my Bubby. My Mom was a good partner. She is going to be with me in the delivery room if Bubby does not make it on time.

All the women had their spouses. I was kind of sad. Joshua missed out on a lot of information and this class was a bonding experience. I signed up for the two day crash course when the course is supposed to be taken in the course of once a week for six weeks. I am not going back tomorrow. One day is long enough. Plus the information is pretty repetitive from the breast feeding and baby basic care class. I really just wanted the hospital tour and little breathing exercises. I mean when labor does happen you pretty much forget everything and find something that works for you to help with the contractions.

It would have been nice to share the experience of child birthing class with my Bubby.

Sunday the 24th to Tuesday the 27th -

Not much went on these past few days. I have been home relaxing. We would go out for walks and I do my exercises at home. Pretty much it is the waiting game.

Yesterday (Monday) I finished JJ's laundry andnfinishednpacking our hospital bags. Today mi made and I stopped by the nEX and Commissary. I got to park in the Expectant Mother parking spot. Yay!! Hahaha. That's pretty much it.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

03.20.2012 - 03.22.2012

I missed a couple of days yet again. Hahaha. Geez I need to stop missing days!!
I had my weekly OB appointment on the 21st and of course my blood pressure was high...again. My appointment was at 10:10a and I didn't get seen until past noon!! Plus they turned up the heater in the office. Geez!! My Peggie patience was wearing thin. My Mom was also getting super irritated. When my doc finally came in to see me she probably only spent a good 15 minutes with me. JJ is not ready to come out yet. Checking to see if he has dropped is the worst examination ever!! Let's just say it hurt really bad.

After the examination she up'd my dosage on my meds and told me that I need to exercise a lot so JJ can drop. She also said "lots of sex". Bubby is outta state so it is just exercise for this mamabear. Hahahaha.

The higher dosage is helping with keeping my bp stable.

I had to lay down on the uncomfortable bed for a good half hour and then they took my bp again three more times until it was low enough for the doc.

My Mom and I were the last ones to leave the doctors office...we finally left after 1pm.

Afterwards we ran errands and then home. It was a really long morning.

So yah...I've just been hanging out at home these past few days.

Yesterday the 21st - 36 weeks and 5 days

Today the 22nd my Bubby sent me my iPad! He shipped it last night via UPS over night delivery. It's so awesome!! I'm using it right now. Hahaha. I have it all set and customized. I love Apple products. Hahaha.

Tomorrow I am full term!! I will mos def post tomorrow. Mmmhmmm.


Monday, March 19, 2012

03.10.2012 - 03.19.2012

I missed a good eight days! I do have good reasons though...I started my maternity leave annnd my darling husband came down from OR on the 14th :)

A lot went down this past week. My bubby was here from the 14th to the 18th. We had our maternity photo shoot and our baby shower.

I also reached 36 weeks on the 16th and at my weekly dr.'s appointment they hooked me up to a monitor (NST - no stress test) and come to find out I had three little contractions. My dr. said that she wants him out sooner than later because of my chronic hypertension. She said walk a lot and of course...the main thing that induces labor...sex. But that is hard only because my bubby is out of state. LOL!

On the 17th we had our photo shoot with Chris and Jordan Trementozzi of Next To Me Studios was awesome despite the major rain. We met up with them at their condo and they drove us to Lake Cuyamaca and Julian but it was too windy and started to rain like crazy. So we drove to Lakeside and ended up a pretty park with a lake and a gazebo. The shoot was a success...we braved through the rain. Here is one photo...


After the shoot we had lunch with the T's and then we headed home to rest before the baby shower.

The baby shower was a success...at first I was little upset because I received a butt load of text messages from friends that they could not make it (with good reasons of course)...I was upset because I was afraid no one would show up. But people did and it was awesome. I love my family and friends. They all rock for showing up with major bad weather. I have a ton of pics I want to share but it will take a while to upload. LOL! They are currently on Facebook.

Not only did we have our maternity photo shoot and baby shower on the March 17th...we also reached our ONE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. We made it through what is supposedly the hardest year...the first one. One year down and a lifetime to go. I love my darling husband with all my heart.

I miss my husband! His visit went by so quickly. He will be back in the next few weeks.

I cannot believe that JJ will grace us with his presence soon! I already did his laundry...well most of it. I still have two loads to go. But my baby boy has a lot of clothes already. Hahaha. He got so many presents from the baby shower. Bubby and I greatly appreciate everything baby JJ received. We are so thankful for the amazing people in our lives.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

03.08.2012 - 03.09.2012

Thursday the 8th -

Hubby moved into our new home :) The movers brought all our stuff to the apartment. They even assembled JJ's crib. I cannot wait to be together as a family when JJ is here and we are finally in OR.

Second to the last day of work! My coworkers put together a breakfast potluck.

My cake! Cutest cake someone has ever made me.

Friday the 9th -

35 weeks only five more weeks to go! Two more weeks until full term. Yippee!

Last day of work! I seriously putzed around for 8 hours. LOL!! My awesome coworkers had another cake for me :)


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


03.05.2012 - 03.07.2012

Last week of work! Woohoo!! So on Monday...the 5th I received JJ's stroller and infant car seat from UPS :)

My Dad helped me assemble it and I pushed it around the house. Hahaha. Just waiting for JJ now.

The seat for 30lbs and over is in the box still. The car seat is for newborn to 30lbs.

It pushes so smoothly! I love it and I am so excited to use it when our baby is here.

One more week and bubby will be here!! I am so excited :D


Sunday, March 4, 2012

03.01.2012 - 03.04.2012

Hmmm...HELLO! MARCH! It is going to be an amazingly wonderful month!

My bubby will be here for a few days. He will be arriving March 14th! Our one year engagement and one year wedding anniversary is coming up, maternity photo shoot, baby shower and I reach full term this month! Woohoo!

I am excited to see my bubby! Just two weeks and he will be here and I will be in his arms once again. He arrives on our one year engagement! It'll be like homecoming all over again.

On Friday - March 03.02.2012 I reached 34 week! :D Here is a photo taken 03.03.2012 34 weeks & 1 day... 34Weeks1Day0303

He is getting big and he moves mucho! I love the feeling of our baby boy moving around.

I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going...it feels like it was just yesterday I found out I was four weeks pregnant...now I am at 34! Three more weeks and I will be at full term and JJ will grace us with his presence anytime at that point.


02.26.2012 - 02.29.2012

I am sooo bad at keeping up with this blog. LOL! I have just been relaxing and taking it easy especially after work. I have one more week of work left an then I am on maternity leave. WOOHOO! I am so over work right now. Sitting down for hours at a time just sucks on a preggie body.

I would recap on the days I missed BUT I honestly cannot think that far right now. LOL!

Nothing much really happened anyway. Just work, home, sleep and repeat.
