Thursday, May 31, 2012

05.30.2012 - TWO MONTHS!! (forgot to post!)

My baby boy is two months old today! I cannot believe how fast time is going. My little handsome is growing up so fast.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have recently purchased a new Moleskine journal and am getting back into writing. It feels so good to have pen in hand and put it to paper and let the thoughts just flow. Hopefully I can keep it up. We shall see.

As far as blogging goes...I do plan on getting more into it when in Oregon. Especially being a SAHM (stay at home Mom) once we are there. I am super excited about it. I will probably milk the unemployment for a year...two if possible. I want to spend time with JJ as much as possible. I will be housewife and SAHM. I look forward to it for sure :)


Friday, May 11, 2012


Time sure does breeze on by!

JJ is six weeks old today! I cannot believe that my little man is already six weeks. Every time I look at him, I am still in awe. I cannot believe that JJ came out of me. He is such a beautiful boy and I love him so much.

JJ is now making baby noises...he is so adorable when he makes the coo'ing noises. He is also strictly on formula. I made the decision to just stick with formula. Since birth JJ was breastfeeding and I supplemented with formula. I was not producing enough for his big appetite. Usually after every feeding I would have to give him an additional 1-2 oz of formula. It takes a good 6-8 hours for me to produce a full supply. Now that he is on formula he seems to be a happier baby. I am happier.

I was a little sad and trying to deal with "I cannot even provide for my baby" was hard. But with the support from my husband and awesome Mommy friends I am okay with JJ being on formula. The breastfeeding Nazi's can just shove it. Not all of use can produce enough milk, some cannot produce at all. We need to encourage and support each other...not knock each other down.

JJ's pediatrician is all about breastfeeding and does not understand how hard it is for me. She was able to BF her baby to almost 12 months. She said she was overflowing with milk. My cousin was the same way, and I have friends that are that way now. As for me...I would have loved to breastfeed for at least a year.

My baby boy is growing and is healthy and that is all that matters.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

04.30.2012 - ONE MONTH!! (forgot to post!!)

One month ago today I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.
